Google Earth Engine ——2001-2017年非洲土壤深度 0-20 厘米和 20-50 厘米的可提取阳离子交换容量,预测平均值和标准偏差数据集
Effective Cation Exchange Capacity predicted mean and standard deviation at soil depths of 0-20 cm and 20-50 cm,Pixel values must be back-transformed with exp(x/10)-1.In areas of dense jungle (genera....

Google Earth Engine ——Gridded Surface Meteorological 数据集提供了 1979 年以来美国本土的温度、降水、风、湿度和辐射的高空间分辨率(~4 公里)
GRIDMET: University of Idaho Gridded Surface Meteorological DatasetThe Gridded Surface Meteorological dataset provides high spatial resolution (~4-km) daily surface fields of temperature, precipitati....

Google Earth Engine ——世界200000冰川面积、几何形状、表面速度和雪线高程2017年数据集
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) is an international initiative with the goal of repeatedly surveying the world's estimated 200,000 glaciers.The project seeks to create a globally comp....

Google Earth Engine ——世界200000冰川面积、几何形状、表面速度和雪线高程current数据集
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) is an international initiative with the goal of repeatedly surveying the world's estimated 200,000 glaciers.The project seeks to create a globally comp....

Google Earth Engine ——世界200000冰川面积、几何形状、表面速度和雪线高程数据集
Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) is an international initiative with the goal of repeatedly surveying the world's estimated 200,000 glaciers.The project seeks to create a globally comp....

Google Earth Engine ——Global Inland Water 数据集显示内陆地表水体,包括淡水和咸水湖泊、河流和水库
The Global Inland Water dataset shows inland surface water bodies, including fresh and saline lakes, rivers, and reservoirs.From the GLS 2000 epoch, 3,650,723 km2 of inland water were identified, aro....

Google Earth Engine ——Landsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) 树木覆盖层包含高度超过 5 米的木本植被覆盖数据集
GLCF: Landsat Tree Cover Continuous FieldsThe Landsat Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF) tree cover layers contain estimates of the percentage of horizontal ground in each 30-m pixel covered by woody....

Google Earth Engine ——土壤的有机土栽培耕地和草地年度 (Annual)数据集
The two related FAO datasets on Drained Organic Soils provide estimates of:DROSA-A: area of Organic Soils (in hectares) drained for agricultural activities (cropland and grazed grassland)DROSE-A: car....

Google Earth Engine ——全球行政单位层(GAUL)国家-省/州-县级层面(含简化面)数据集
The Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the stand....

Google Earth Engine ——全球行政单位层(GAUL)国家-省/州层面数据集
The Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) compiles and disseminates the best available information on administrative units for all the countries in the world, providing a contribution to the stand....

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