问答 2024-06-15 来自:开发者社区

Flink报错the pull consumer is not supported for c...

Flink报错the pull consumer is not supported for current client, please upgrade version to 5.0.0 and above For more information

问答 2024-06-08 来自:开发者社区

Flink写入holo报错CREATE TABLE is not supported for ...

Flink写入holo报错CREATE TABLE is not supported for current instance

文章 2024-02-24 来自:开发者社区

Flink报错问题之Flink报错Only a single 'INSERT INTO' is supported如何解决

问题一:实时计算Flink报错Only a single 'INSERT INTO' is supported 实时计算Flink报错Only a single 'INSERT INTO' is supported 参考答案: 可参考QA:报错:Only a single 'INSERT INTO' is supported ...

问答 2021-10-27 来自:开发者社区

FLink任务报MapState currently isn't supported异常

异常信息:org.apache.flink.util.StateMigrationException: The new serializer for a MapState requires state migration in order for the job to proceed. However, migration for MapState currently isn't support....

问答 2019-02-14 来自:开发者社区

Blink streaming 不支持print(), 那为什么又有这样的api呢 val sql1 = "SELECT a, c FROM sourceTable" tEnv.sqlQuery(sql1).print() // org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: collect is not supported.

转自钉钉群21789141:Blink streaming 不支持print(), 那为什么又有这样的api呢 val sql1 = "SELECT a, c FROM sourceTable" tEnv.sqlQuery(sql1).print() // org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: collect is not supported.

问答 2018-11-15 来自:开发者社区

【Flink】报错 'Rds' is not supported as a source table.

错误描述【语法检查】报错提示:ERR_ID: CON-00012CAUSE: 'Rds' is not supported as a source table.ACTION: Check the doc for more information报错原因作业中声明了RDS的表,但是没有INSERT该表。RDS作为维表,但是没有声明维表PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME。



实时计算 Flink

实时计算Flink版是阿里云提供的全托管Serverless Flink云服务,基于 Apache Flink 构建的企业级、高性能实时大数据处理系统。提供全托管版 Flink 集群和引擎,提高作业开发运维效率。


