触发器(Triggers)的使用 MySQL的触发器(Triggers)是一种特殊类型的存储过程,它会在数据表上的特定操作(插入、更新或删除)发生时自动执行。触发器可以帮助我们实现数据的自动处理、验证和维护等任务。下面将详细说明MySQL触发器的使用方法,并提供具体的示例。 创建触发器 触发器可以使用CREATE TRIGGER语句创建。CREATE...
MySQL Transactions, Part II - Transaction Isolation Levels
August 17, 2004 MySQL Transactions, Part II - Transaction Isolation Levels By Ian Gilfillan Last month we started looking at transactions in MySQL, in particular with InnoDB tables. This mon...
MySQL Transactions, Part III - BDB Tables, Table locking and Savepoints
September 21, 2004 MySQL Transactions, Part III - BDB Tables, Table locking and Savepoints By Ian Gilfillan BDB Transactions The previous two columns in this series have covered general tran...
关于mysql的事务,可查看上一篇文章未尾>> 先更新一条数据 UPDATE user_info SET userName = 'kk' WHERE userId = 1;SELECT * FROM user_info 现在的数据 写一个事务,只选中前面的语句执行: SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;START TRANSACTION;SELE...
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