【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1051 Pop Sequence
1051 Pop SequenceGiven a stack which can keep M numbers at most. Push N numbers in the order of 1, 2, 3, …, N and pop randomly. You are supposed to tell if a given sequence of numbers is a possible p....
【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1085 Perfect Sequence
1085 Perfect SequenceGiven a sequence of positive integers and another positive integer p. The sequence is said to be a perfect sequence if M≤m×p where M and m are the maximum and minimum numbers in ....
【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1140 Look-and-say Sequence
1140 Look-and-say SequenceLook-and-say sequence is a sequence of integers as the following:D, D1, D111, D113, D11231, D112213111, ...where D is in [0, 9] except 1. The (n+1)st number is a kind of des....
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