【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1067 Sort with Swap(0, i)
1067 Sort with Swap(0, i)Given any permutation of the numbers {0, 1, 2,…, N−1}, it is easy to sort them in increasing order. But what if Swap(0, *) is the ONLY operation that is allowed to use? For e....

【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1101 Quick Sort
1101 Quick SortThere is a classical process named partition in the famous quick sort algorithm. In this process we typically choose one element as the pivot. Then the elements less than the pivot are....
【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1098 Insertion or Heap Sort
1098 Insertion or Heap SortAccording to Wikipedia:Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one el....

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