resource Android
- 文章 | AAPT: error: resource android:attr/dialogCornerRadius not found.
- 文章 | AAPT: error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.
- 文章 | No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'
- 文章 | Error:(108) No resource identifier found for attribute 'style' in package 'android'
- 文章 | No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.A解决方案
- 文章 | Illegal resource reference: @*android resources are private and not always present
resource found Android
- 文章 | No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'
- 文章 | Error:(108) No resource identifier found for attribute 'style' in package 'android'
- 文章 | No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.A解决方案
- 文章 | No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'
- Android fragmentmanager
- Android fragment
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