文章 2025-01-23 来自:开发者社区

flutter开发中Use ‘const’ with the constructor to improve performance. Try adding the ‘const’ keyword to the constructor invocation.报错如何解决-优雅草卓伊凡

flutter开发中Use ‘const’ with the constructor to improve performance. Try adding the ‘const’ keyword to the constructor invocation.报错如何解决-优雅草卓伊凡 问题背景 flutter开发中Use ‘const’ with the constructor t...

文章 2024-08-13 来自:开发者社区

Flutter-解决Try catch出现异常:type ‘_TypeError‘ is not a subtype of type ‘Exception‘ in type cast

出现场景 使用Dio时,网络请求可能会出现异常,需要用try catch捕获。 捕获代码如下 try { var response = await _dio!.get<T>("/list", queryParameters: {"key":"value"...

文章 2024-08-13 来自:开发者社区

解决Flutter上架Google Play提示Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code.

出现场景 使用flutter build appbundle打包aab时 因为上个版本是第一个默认版本1.0.0。所以这次打包我们在版本名后面加了1。 name: flutter_demo description: A new Flutter application f...

解决Flutter上架Google Play提示Version code 1 has already been used. Try another version code.



