Paper:2017年的Google机器翻译团队《Transformer:Attention Is All You Need》翻译并解读(四)
6.2、Model VariationsTo evaluate the importance of different components of the Transformer, we varied our base model in different ways, measuring the change in performance on English-to-German transla....
Paper:2017年的Google机器翻译团队《Transformer:Attention Is All You Need》翻译并解读(三)
3.4、Embeddings and SoftmaxSimilarly to other sequence transduction models, we use learned embeddings to convert the input tokens and output tokens to vectors of dimension dmodel. We also use the usua....
Paper:2017年的Google机器翻译团队《Transformer:Attention Is All You Need》翻译并解读(二)
2、BackgroundThe goal of reducing sequential computation also forms the foundation of the Extended Neural GPU [16], ByteNet [18] and ConvS2S [9], all of which use convolutional neural networks as basi....

Paper:2017年的Google机器翻译团队《Transformer:Attention Is All You Need》翻译并解读(一)
论文评价 2017年,Google机器翻译团队发表的《Attention is all you need》中大量使用了自注意力(self-attention)机制来学习文本表示。参考文章:《attention is all you need》解读1、Motivation:靠attention机制,不使用rnn和cnn,并行度高通过attention,抓长....
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