Flink写入odps报错Too many dynamic partitions: 100, ...
Flink写入odps报错Too many dynamic partitions: 100, which exceeds the size limit: 100
请问MaxCompute元数据视图表partitions 中有对应分区得记录数吗?
问题一:请问MaxCompute元数据视图表partitions 中有对应分区得记录数吗?类似这个: 问题二:哪里可以有吗?因为我们汇报leader指明要用这个数据
问题描述Dataphin中SQL计算任务报错“ODPS partition exception - maximum 60000 partitions allowed”。问题原因该限制为MaxCompute的限制,是MaxCompute侧抛出的错误。解决方案1.适当删除分区。2.联系数据库侧同学评估是...
问题描述本文主要描述了Quick BI的MaxCompute数据源使用SQL创建数据集报错“failed:ODPS-0130071:[0,0]Semantic analysis exception - physical plan generation failed:java.lang.Runtime...
MaxCompute SQL 查询语法报错select count(1) from tb where prt='2016' group by prt_mkt; FAILED: ODPS-0000000:Invalid query - MetaException(message:ODPS-0010000:System internal error - OTS filtering exception - Ots read range partitions exceeds the specified limi
MaxCompute SQL 查询语法报错select count(1) from tb where prt='2016' group by prt_mkt;FAILED: ODPS-0000000:Invalid query - MetaException(message:ODPS-0010000:System internal error - OTS filtering exception ....
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